Triggering Turbo Frame with JS

@BKSpurgeon have you tried hooking a callback up to the turbo:submit-end event?

@dan thank you for your response.

The issue with turbo:submit-end is that I wish to act on the results after they are added to the dom. I was unable to get turbo:submit-end to do this?

<div data-controller="slideshow" data-slideshow-index-value="1"    />
  turbo_frame_tag "results"
    <form />  
    <li> results etc. </li>    
  1. Form is submitted via javascript (i.e. within turbo_frame_tag)
  2. Controller is hit and results are returned.
  3. We want to perform some action on the results that are returned. i.e. a callback after the form submission and after everything’s rendered

I was unable to get turbo:submit-end to work on the rendered response of the form submission. Off the top of your head: is this the expected behaviour?

    this.slideTargets.forEach((element) => {         
     // the slideTargets get updated on the form submission
    //  the highlightCurrentSlide method seems to run before the
    // the results of the form submission are rendered.    
    }, this)

Any advice would be much appreciated. chrs!

Hmm…turbo:submit-end only fires after your controller has responded. So I guess the issue here is the gap between getting that response and the HTML actually being put in the DOM. I wouldn’t expect that gap to be significant, though.

A couple of ideas (I haven’t tested any of them, mind):

The event exposes the FetchResponse via event.detail.fetchResponse (I think). FetchResponse has a responseHTML method that returns a promise. You could make your highlightCurrentSlide method async and on the first line await event.detail.fetchResponse.responseHTML().

Or (more of a long shot) I’d maybe try wrapping highlightCurrentSlide in a window.requestAnimationFrame callback.

Or, failing any of that, there’s probably a solution using MutationObserver and/or maybe giving those slideTargets their own controller (so you could just use connect).

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I think FrameElement.loaded could help you

In Stimulus controller:

// get frame    
const frame = document.getElementById("frame_id");
// submit form
this.formTarget.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('submit', { bubbles: true }));
// listen for frame rendering
frame.loaded.then(function (success) {
  // some actions after frame rendered
}, function (error) {});

That’s pretty cool! :clap:

I was getting Fetch API cannot load [url here] due to access control checks.

errors in Safari with the polyfill.

But this works in Safari and Brave.

This actually seemed to do the trick for me in Safari / Firefox / Chrome. Curious if this is the best approach?

After moving to using the new importmap-rails gem and failing to get rails-ujs working I submit my forms using -

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Ok, I couldn’t underand, why all the replies were so positive, as “nothing” didn’t work in my stimulus controller, after I upgraded turbo (previously I just “clicked” the submit button, what worked … until now).

But I’m really glad, that I read until the end of the topic, as those two solutions (actually it’s the same) are the only ones, which work for my controller, where I want to submit and register to the turbo:submit-end event:

from @defsdoor


import { navigator } from "@hotwired/turbo"

from @mrhead

much thanks to you both!

As it seems to be a bit of a hidden api, I hope that will least :wink:

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Update: With this commit as of 2021-11-11 requestSubmit polyfill is included by default so it should just work out of the box, obviating much of the headache. Hotwire now relies on it.

This is fantastic news!

Another good experience here with the Turbo.navigator approach. I had a checkbox form element that would trigger a response but it wouldn’t work with Safari desktop, iOS or Chrome iOS.
Tried to troubleshoot it here but couldn’t get it working:

Then tried the Navigator route and all is well with Safari and Chrome mobile. Thanks all!

The requestSubmit method did not work in my case, I think because the search form was already nested in higher level form (autocomplete field in a form).

What I like to do now for simple actions that trigger a Turbo Stream is to use request.js to send the HTTP request.
It has a responseKind option that you can set to turbo-stream. It will set the Accept Header to text/vnd.turbo-stream.html so the backend will respond with a Turbo Stream.

I think this trick deserves to be better known from Hotwire devs!

// autocomplete_controller.js
import { get } from "@rails/request.js"

export default class extends Controller {
  search({ target: { value } }) {
    get(`/search?query=${value}`, {
      responseKind: "turbo-stream"
<div data-controller="autocomplete">
  <turbo-frame id="autocomplete_results"></turbo-frame>
# search_controller.rb
class SearchController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @results = ...

    respond_to do |format|
# app/views/search/index.turbo_stream.erb
<%= turbo_stream.update("autocomplete_results") do %>
    <% @results.each do |result| %>
      <li><%= result %></li>
    <% end %>
<% end %>