Accept header on anchor tags missing turbo stream


I’ve been using Turbo in a typo3 project (PHP) and am using it for some dynamic content.
Today I tried to implement a fallback for users who have disabled javascript by checking the accept headers however I ran an issue on <a> tags.
Whenever I click on a link it would not automatically set the header tag and due to that I cannot properly check whether the client supports to receive Turbo streams.

This here is essentially how my html is structured

<main data-controller="global">
    <div id="c2" class="frame frame-default frame-type-list frame-layout-0">
        <div id="errorlist" class="flex flex-col">
        <div id="filelist">
            <div id="file-33">
                <span>11 B</span>
                <a href="/api/files/delete/1915109965847/33?type=31415"><button>Delete</button></a>

Turbo is included in the webpage with esbuild compiled and bundled ts with original code being

import * as Turbo from "@hotwired/turbo";

Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile: