Focus behavior in a list

apologies since I’m still new to turbo but i’m not finding exactly what i’m looking for:

I have a a list being rendered like this:

<% @mylist.each do |el| %>
  <%= render partial: "mypartial", locals: { el: el } %>
<% end %>

then my partial looks like this:

<%= turbo_frame_tag dom_id(el) do %>
  <div class="row border-bottom mt-2">
    <div class="col">
      i'm a code
    <div class="col">
      i'm a title
    <div class="col">
      i'm a description
    <div class="col">
      <div class="form-group">
        <%= form_with(
          url: obj_path(el),
          method: :patch,
          html: { class: "form m-1 p-1", data: { controller: "form" } },
        ) do |form| %>

        <%= :event,
          [el.status] + true).map(&:name),
          class: "form-control",
          data: { action: "change->form#submit" }

    <% end %>
<% end %>

my controller action:

          format.turbo_stream {
            render turbo_stream: turbo_stream.morph(@el, partial: 'partial', locals: { el: @el })

last, my stimulus controller:

import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"

export default class extends Controller {
  submit(event) {
    // Prevent the default onchange behavior
    // Submit the form

I think because the element is getting replaced, the browser is losing its position and defaulting it to a previous element. The issue is that on a long list, it scrolls the user back up to the top instead of leaving them where they were. Is there a way to prevent this?

Video for ref


I am not familiar with Rails but is there an autofocus attribute on the form or select elements?

Thanks for looking @Marcel031 - no autofocus in any of the html or css.

Exactly, the focus is lost if the input element with the focus is replaced. You could try to add an event listener on turbo:before-morph-element and skip morphing of the input element with focus.

See Turbo Reference

(credits to @radanskoric for this strategy)