Wanted to share a small snippet I added to a project today. Have been moving more and more to Turbolinks + SJR and ran into an annoyance when my remote: true
links/forms got an error. I had to click through the network tab to see the error message.
Assuming you have better-errors
installed already:
Throw this snippet somewhere in your application template:
<% if Rails.env.development? %>
<div class="hidden"
data-action="ajax:error@document->better-errors#show" /></div>
<% end %>
And add this controller
// better_errors_controller.js
import { Controller } from "stimulus";
export default class extends Controller {
show() {
This wires up the Rails ajax:error
event to send to you the special “manual console” route where BetterErrors shows the last exception with stack trace and other goodies.
Hope it saves you some headaches!