How to call stimulus function in turbo_stream response?

I have stimulus function.

reset() {

And I also have turbo_stream response

  = turbo_stream.append("bulk-action-modal") do
    = content_tag :div, "", data: {action: "turbo:load->bulk-action#reset"}

How to call this function on dom connection?

Right now the reset method is not called. I am just wondering which event should I trigger to call this method.

I could create another stimulus controller and then put the code into connect method, but It would be more code to write. I would like to avoid this.

I added reset target and then use resetTargetConected

  resetTargetConnected(element) {
  = turbo_stream.append("bulk-action-modal") do
    = content_tag :div, "", data: {bulk_action_target: 'reset'}
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