When querying elements in my controller, I am not able to retrieve the elements I want, even though when I run the same code in my browser console it finds them perfectly (the dynamic erb code makes sure the id is title1
, for ex). In that sense, I’m wondering if there is some Stimulus information I’m missing as to how to retrieve specific elements when they’re not static or why does Stimulus not like querySelectors.
The code is the following:
a) In app/views/legislations/show.html.erb
<div data-controller="slideshow">
<% titles.each do |title| %>
<div id="title<%= title.number %>" data-target="slide">
<h3>Title <%= title.number %>
<% end %>
b) In app/javascript/controllers/slideshow_controller.js
import { Controller } from "stimulus"
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = [ "slide" ];
var firstSection = document.getElementById("title1")
Any guidance/help appreciated!