Load tabs on demand with Turbo

We are new to Turbo framework, the stack is Symfony + Turbo + Twig template. we have navigation tabs and want those tabs to load on demand.

at the moment we have tabs to load with turbo-frame and have lazy loading on, but we notice when loading=“lazy”, it still loads the tab even we haven’t switch to the tab yet.
Our question is, is it possible Turbo loads the tab only when we switch to that tab? Thank for any suggestion in advance.

        <turbo-frame id="task_drawer_tabs_comment" src="{{turboUrl}}/drawer/task/{{task.taskid}}/task-comment/0" loading="lazy">
            {{ render(path('task-comment', {taskID : task.taskid})) }}

        <turbo-frame id="task_drawer_tabs_dependency" src="{{turboUrl}}/drawer/task/{{task.taskid}}/task-dependency" loading="lazy">
            {{ render(path('task-dependency', {taskID : task.taskid})) }}
