Native titles missing in production

Hey there,

I’m using Hotwire Native 1.1.1. When I test my application in the iOS simulator or on a device connected to Xcode, I see native titles as one would expect. However, when testing via TestFlight the titles are missing.

Has anyone else seen this issue?

Thank you!


I was surprised by this behavior as well. It was rendering white text on white background for me, which I noticed after cloning the demo app and building locally. It works for the demo app because the navigation bar is black (and text is white), but I’m not sure what is the logic for choosing the background color. It’s white for my app. Also, no idea why it works on the Simulator.

So adding this somewhere around here, for example, fixed it for me:

UINavigationBar.appearance().titleTextAttributes = [.foregroundColor:]

Not sure if that is the best place to do that, though, as I’m not familiar with iOS development.