Redefine 'this'


maybe you could help me. Currently I’m rewriting our JS-Videoplayer with Stimulus.
I got a problem which I can’t fix.

Here some code, to explain my problem:

export default class extends Controller {
  static targets = [

  connect() {
    const container = this.playerContainerTarget;
    this.buildPlayerUI(); // initializes the player and sets the `App.bitmovinPlayer` variable.
    App.bitmovinPlayer.on(PlayerEvent.Ready, function (event) {

The this.reloadScriptTab() does not work, because in this Scope this is set Bitmovin.

Do you have a solution to get the this-variable back or the function working?

Thank you very much!

The “classic” way to solve this problem, before fat-arrow syntax, would be to define another variable, like self that points to the appropriate this:

connect() {
  var self = this; // The binding you're looking for.

  App.bitmovinPlayer.on(PlayerEvent.Ready, function (event) {

That said, with more modern code, you might just be able to use fat-arrows to maintain this binding:

connect() {
  const container = this.playerContainerTarget;

  // Using FAT-ARROW syntax to maintain `this` binding.
  App.bitmovinPlayer.on(PlayerEvent.Ready, (event) => {

It comes down, a bit, to whether or not you need to access Bitmovin inside your event-handler?

Thank you very much, my problem is fixed! Sorry for the newbie question.

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Awesome! Glad that worked out! We’re all newbies at something, that’s what community is for :muscle: