Testing Stimulus, Jest

This is nice article about testing Stimulus + Jest


I was able to get going with your examples very well. Thank you for writing this up. Where I am now having trouble is when I have an element

<a id="anchor" href="#" data-action="foo.bar">dosomething</a>

and the foo controller#bar function uses fetch to get a response from the server and replace an item in the dom with the response

bar(event) {
   .then(response => response.text())
   .then(data => this.itemTarget.innerHTML = data)
   .catch(error => console.log('Error ',error));

a jest test looks something like

it("fetches the url and calls #replaceItem with the response", () => {
  fetchMock.get(editAction, new Promise(res => res(formItem)));
  let anchor = document.getElementById("anchor");

  let item = document.getElementById("test-item");

I can see that the foo method is being called after the click, but I cannot figure out the incantation to use either done, or async/await, etc. to get the item.innerHTML test to work (it comes back unchanged).

I was able to solve my own problem. Here is how I did it for posterity, using process.nextTick

it("fetches the url and calls #replaceItem with the response", () => {
  fetchMock.get(editAction, new Promise(res => res(formItem)));
  let anchor = document.getElementById("anchor");

  process.nextTick(() => {
    let item = document.getElementById("test-item");
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I might be a little bit late to the game, but I was having similar issues that process.NextTick didn’t resolve.

At the top of the file, I had to do the following:

import { setImmediate } from "timers";
const flushPromises = () => new Promise(setImmediate);

Then whenever I needed to flush any pending promises, I would just call the flushPromises before the expectation.

// Once the button is clicked an AJAX request is made in the controller and adds an element to the DOM
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Oh, not just me then…I tried all the examples above, but not luck.

I ended up using waitFor from testing-library.

import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/dom';


it("does something", async () => {
  const button = document.querySelector('button');
  const target = document.querySelector('#target');

  button.click(); // Triggers fetch and updates target

  await waitFor(() => expect(target.innerHTML).toMatch(/something/));

can anyone explain, how to configure the application to use jest with importmap?