This is nice article about testing Stimulus + Jest
I was able to get going with your examples very well. Thank you for writing this up. Where I am now having trouble is when I have an element
<a id="anchor" href="#" data-action="">dosomething</a>
and the foo controller#bar function uses fetch to get a response from the server and replace an item in the dom with the response
bar(event) {
.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => this.itemTarget.innerHTML = data)
.catch(error => console.log('Error ',error));
a jest test looks something like
it("fetches the url and calls #replaceItem with the response", () => {
fetchMock.get(editAction, new Promise(res => res(formItem)));
let anchor = document.getElementById("anchor");;
let item = document.getElementById("test-item");
I can see that the foo method is being called after the click, but I cannot figure out the incantation to use either done, or async/await, etc. to get the item.innerHTML test to work (it comes back unchanged).
I was able to solve my own problem. Here is how I did it for posterity, using process.nextTick
it("fetches the url and calls #replaceItem with the response", () => {
fetchMock.get(editAction, new Promise(res => res(formItem)));
let anchor = document.getElementById("anchor");;
process.nextTick(() => {
let item = document.getElementById("test-item");
I might be a little bit late to the game, but I was having similar issues that process.NextTick
didn’t resolve.
At the top of the file, I had to do the following:
import { setImmediate } from "timers";
const flushPromises = () => new Promise(setImmediate);
Then whenever I needed to flush any pending promises, I would just call the flushPromises
before the expectation.;
// Once the button is clicked an AJAX request is made in the controller and adds an element to the DOM
Oh, not just me then…I tried all the examples above, but not luck.
I ended up using waitFor
from testing-library
import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/dom';
it("does something", async () => {
const button = document.querySelector('button');
const target = document.querySelector('#target');; // Triggers fetch and updates target
await waitFor(() => expect(target.innerHTML).toMatch(/something/));
can anyone explain, how to configure the application to use jest with importmap?