Turbo-frame lazy-loaded -> crawling and indexing issue?


I would like to know if the content inside a turbo-frame lazy loaded (the content appears only when user scroll down next to the content at the bottom of the page) is correctly indexed by Google bot and other search engines bots ? My fear is that the crawling bot may not see the content inside a turbo frame lazy loaded. Does anyone have some information about that ?

Thank you.

I don’t know if search bots follow the data attribute for the link, but you could see what shows up in the index.

Following that, I would test having a hidden link within the template tags for the bot to follow. In the unlikely event that’s too deep, you could conditionally render the partial based on user agent.

Thank you for your answer.
Unfortunately my web app is not live yet, so I am not able to test and check the google index for my pages.
I will update this post when I will be able to made such test.
In the meantime if other people have some information about this, please feel free to share.