Turbo Native - Authentication login form redirect 302

I have a few urls in my app:

/ - Homepage (no auth required)
/login - Login Form (no auth required)
/admin - Displays dashboard for the logged in user (auth required)

If an unauthenticated user visits /admin then they are redirected (302 See Other) to /login. When the user logs in then they are redirected to /admin (302 See Other).

In my Hotwire native app (iOS) I want two things to happen.

When the unauthenticated user visits /admin I want a login modal to appear. Currently a new screen slides in and the request is made, the redirect is followed to /login.

If I add a path configuration to load /login in a modal a modal appears on top of the current view (which also contains the /login html):

  "settings": {},
  "rules": [
        "patterns": ["/login"],
        "properties": {
          "context": "modal"

Is is possible to configure the server response / iOS app somehow to catch the 302 and not follow the redirect?

Do I need to add conditional logic in the controller to return a 401 unauthorised for the iOS app and handle that differently?

I don’t want to implement a native iOS authentication login pattern and jwt tokens.