`turbostream` is being rendered within a `layout`

My use case is pretty simple: click a link to GET a TURBO_STREAM response to display on the page.

However, instead of a TURBO_STREAM template being returned, Rails is returning an entire page.

To illustrate, I’ve included the relevant parts of the log output below.

 1  15:06:49 web.1   | Started GET "/o/4/settings/member/3/edit" for ::1 at 2022-11-24 15:06:49 -0500 
 2  15:06:49 web.1   | Processing by Tenant::SettingsController#edit_member as TURBO_STREAM
 3  15:06:49 web.1   |   Parameters: {"organization_id"=>"4", "user_id"=>"3"} 
 4  ...
 5  15:06:49 web.1   |   Rendering layout layouts/application.haml
 6  15:06:49 web.1   |   Rendering tenant/settings/edit_member.turbo_stream.erb within layouts/application
 7  15:06:49 web.1   |   Rendered tenant/settings/_member_form.html.erb (Duration: 0.0ms | Allocations: 12)
 8  15:06:49 web.1   |   Rendered tenant/settings/edit_member.turbo_stream.erb within layouts/application (Duration: 0.3ms | Allocations: 247)
 9  ...
10  Renders a bunch of things from the layout
11  ...
12  15:06:49 web.1   |   Rendered layout layouts/application.haml (Duration: 3.2ms | Allocations: 2533)
13  15:06:49 web.1   | Completed 200 OK in 11ms (Views: 3.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms | Allocations: 6348)

You can see that on Line 2, the request is being processed as a TURBO_STREAM request (as expected), and the TURBO_STREAM response is within edit_member_form.html.erb (Line 6).

However, as you can also see on Line 5, Rails is rendering the response within the default application layout. As a result, the response is not rendered on the screen.



How this request is made is via a link with the following data attributes:

data: { action: "click->modals--slideover#open", turbo_stream: "" }

Here is the full HTML code of the link:

<%= link_to tenant_settings_edit_member_path(current_organization, member.id), data: { action: "click->modals~slideover#open", turbo_stream: "" }, class: "text-indigo-600 hover:text-indigo-900" do %>
  Edit<span class="sr-only">, <%= user_full_name(member) %></span>
<% end %>

With data-turbo-stream set to "", my understanding is that the request should be handled as a TURBO_STREAM, which it is as seen on Line #2 in the log.


<%= turbo_stream.update "slideover-title", "Edit Member" %>
<%= turbo_stream.update "slideover-body", partial: "member_form", locals: { membership: @membership } %>


def edit_member
  @membership = ...

Can you show all of Tenant::SettingsController#edit_member

I have this line of code on ApplicationController to prevent rendering the whole layout:

layout -> { turbo_frame_request? ? false : "application" }