How do I get the steam names in react

Hi, I would like to gradually migrate part of a react app to use directly the turbo frames and turbo streams. Hope I get to remove react at the end.

Lets say I have an Article. The article update is broadcasted for with

    66|   def broadcast_action_later_to(*streamables, action:, target: nil, targets: nil, **rendering)
=>  67|     Turbo::Streams::ActionBroadcastJob.perform_later \
    68|       stream_name_from(streamables), action: action, target: target, targets: targets, **rendering
    69|   end

Here the stream_name_from(streamables) returns “Z2lkOi8vY2FtYnJpYW4tYXBwL0NhcmRBaUdlbmVyYXRpb24vOTE”

Do you know how do I get the names of the streams on the react side?