Hello, I’m trying to connect a target to my form’s date_select
This is my controller
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"
import { isValidDate } from 'custom/date'
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = ['firstName', 'firstNameLabel', 'lastName', 'lastNameLabel', 'dateOfBirth', 'dateOfBirthLabel', 'button']
connect() {
This is my form where I connect my controller to my fields. For the rest of the fields there’s nothing wrong, but something is happening for date_select
because I get an error.
= form_for(@user, url: settings_public_path(locale: I18n.locale, id: @user),
data: { controller: "generalsettings" }) do |f|
= f.label t('sign_in.your_email')
= f.text_field :email, class: 'form-control field-text-input settings-input', disabled: 'disabled'
%div{style: 'font-size: .9rem !important;'}
= f.label t('sign_up.fname')
= f.text_field :first_name, class: 'form-control field-text-input settings-input', disabled: @user.provider.present?, data: { generalsettings_target: 'firstName', action: 'generalsettings#isValidCombination'}
= f.label t('sign_up.lname')
= f.text_field :last_name, class: 'form-control field-text-input settings-input', disabled: @user.provider.present?, data: { generalsettings_target: 'lastName', action: 'generalsettings#isValidCombination'}
= f.label t('sign_up.dob')
= f.date_select :date_of_birth, :order => [:day, :month, :year], prompt: { day: 'Select day', month: 'Select month', year: 'Select year' }, start_year: Date.current.year, end_year:Date.current.year - 100, disabled: @user.provider.present?, data: { generalsettings_target: 'dateOfBirth', action: 'generalsettings#isValidCombination'}
= f.submit t('settings.save'), class: 'sign-button save_button', data: { generalsettings_target: 'button'}
Error: Missing target element "dateOfBirth" for "generalsettings" controller
This is the error I get on console when I open the page. I think this is happening because date_select creates 3 tags, but I don’t have any solution for now.