This is my controller:
The problem is near the end of the connect method. So, if the URL contains a “manufacturer” parameter, I do a request which populates a with a bunch of 's. All I want to do after that is take the value of the parameter, find the associated option and set it to selected.
It fails because it cannot find an that matches. In Chrome’s dev tools, the Select is there with all the correct options. But JS, when I console log some stuff, just shows me that the select only has one default option and cannot find the matching element. It;s like the state of things is before the select was appended into.
How can I get my script to see the newly inserted options and preselect one?
import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus";
import { get } from "@rails/request.js";
export default class extends Controller {
static targets = ["selectBase", "select1", "select2"];
static values = {
url1: String,
url2: String,
param1: String,
param2: String
connect() {
if (this.select1Target.id === "") {
this.select1Target.id = Math.random().toString(36)
if (this.select2Target.id === "") {
this.select2Target.id = Math.random().toString(36)
const queryString = window.location.search;
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
if (urlParams.has('manufacturer')) {
console.log('Has manufacturer');
let params = new URLSearchParams();
params.append("manufacturer", urlParams.get('manufacturer'));
params.append("target", this.select1Target.id);
get(`${this.url1Value}?${params}`, {
responseKind: "turbo-stream"
if (urlParams.has('model_1')) {
console.log('Has model_1');
console.log('#' + this.select1Target.id + ' option[value="Steeplechase"]');
console.log(document.querySelector('#' + this.select1Target.id + ' option[value="Steeplechase"]'));