Turbo does not work with domain

I have a strange issue. Turbo stops working for me on the production if I access the app using the domain name.

I am deploying production to DigitalOcean using MRSK. Cloudflare is set to provide the SSL through their Flexible mode.

The issue is that, locally everything is fine. Turbo makes AJAX requests to load all the pages. But the production server loads all the pages through HTML. It means the whole page refresh on every visit. However, it works fine if I use the IP address to access the app. I am using the “.app” domain.

There are no errors in the console. I tried running the app in production mode in my development environment, works fine.

I am facing this issue for the first time. The IP seems to be working fine because it bypasses Cloudflare. Does anyone have any suggestions on what is going wrong?


I found this comment on the GitHub issue and turned off RocketLoader on CloudFlare. That seems to have resolved the issue.

Should we change Turbo to support RocketLoader? I am happy to help with a PR in case the community thinks it’s a good idea.