Turbo Stream Replace - How to Avoid Edit Form Being Replaced Mid-Edit?

Hi all,

I’m using turbo frames for editing items of a has_many collection on the show page of the parent (e.g. editing the titles of an author’s books on the author page). So each item has a turbo frame with an id of item_#{id}, and clicking an edit button replaces that turbo frame with a form that also has the id of item_#{id}.

This works well.

The problem I have is I am also using turbo streams to allow for live updates of these items as other users edit them. So when an item is saved, it broadcasts a partial update to item_#{id}, which can replace the form another user is editing!

What is the recommended way to avoid this? Should I be using stimulus to block partial updates when the form appears? Or change the id of the edit form’s turbo frame somehow?

Many thanks,

Or change the id of the edit form’s turbo frame somehow?

This would be my choice. I’d suggest generating your id’s with #dom_id.

# show
dom_id(item) # => "item_45"
# edit
dom_id(item, :edit) # => "item_post_45"
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